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Celebrating Recovery and tackling drug abuse one step at a time

DOUGLASDALE – Join a supportive community of people who are recovering from substance abuse.


Intent on tackling South Africa’s increasing drug problem, Ward 115 DA member, Garth Lombard has partnered with the Sandton Bible Church to launch Celebrate Recovery, a faith-based 12-step programme which they say is perfect for anyone who is struggling with a number of addictions.

Lombard, who is responsible for health and social development in Ward 115, explained that South Africa’s drug problem has been on a continual rise, especially in the last few years. Lombard said, “Often times there is a feeling of desperation and hopelessness for families dealing with drugs and alcohol abuse in their homes. Most drug rehabilitation centres cost an arm and a leg and have a success rate of less than three percent.”

Lombard explained that this was because, in most cases, there were underlying causes that can’t be treated over a period of six weeks. “There needs to be a holistic approach that deals with the associated hurts and hangups that lead the user down that destructive path,” he said.

David Bayever from the government drug control organisation known as the CDA said, “The drug problem in South Africa remains very serious with drug usage being twice the world norm in most cases… and we are only dealing with what we know about… this is only the tip of the iceberg.”

According to Bayever, at least 15 percent of South Africans have a drug problem; this number, however, is expected to rise.

Lombard said, “This is why we have started Celebrate Recovery, it is perfect for anyone who is struggling with any number of hurts, habits or hangups, not just drugs and alcohol.”

Lombard explained that there were over 120 000 Celebrate Recovery groups worldwide, which dealt with a number of issues ranging from substance abuse, gambling, sex and food addiction as well as co-dependency, among others.

“Many times people are afraid to engage with an honest community because they don’t think of themselves as one of those people,” he said.

“The fact is we’re all one of those people. We all experience times in our lives when we get stuck. Celebrate Recovery is an awesome place, in an honest and authentic community of fellow strugglers to begin your recovery journey.”

The programme is completely free.

Celebrate Recovery will launch on 14 April and meetings will be held every Thursday at the Sandton Bible Church.

Details: Garth Lombard, 083 655 8897; www.recoverysbc.co.za

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