
Clean up your communities, Pikitup is letting us down – Johannesburg Mayor

JOBURG - Read up on the Johannesburg Mayor's advice on how to keep your areas clean while a solution on the Pikitup strike is in reach.


Johannesburg Mayor, Mpho Parks Tau has appealed to Diepsloot residents to assist in removing rubble in the community amid a protracted and illegal strike by Pikitup employees.

Tau made the appeal on 31 March while addressing hundreds of the populous township residents during the official opening of Ingonyama Bridge.

The mayor, however, warned residents against removing the garbage without protective clothing as he described the rubble and garbage as dangerous.

“It is very important that we help in clearing rubble in our communities, but you must get protective clothing first from the council through your councillors. That garbage which has not been collected for too long is now dangerous,” said Tau.

He also promised to avail trucks to communities who were prepared to clean their areas.

Tau warned residents against dumping rubbish in undesignated areas. “Let’s only dump in designated sites because throwing rubbish everywhere will not help us as this will make it difficult to clean the environment,” said Tau.

The Mayor announced that negotiations with the South African Municipal Workers Union have resumed, adding that a solution was now within reach.

“The workers are now meeting with the union to try reach an agreement, but in the meantime we will appreciate if communities could come up with initiatives to keep their environment clean.”

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