
Crawford Pre-Primary Lonehill teaches children to share and care

LONEHILL - Crawford Pre-Primary Lonehill pupils were taught the importance of sharing and caring when they recently helped to donate toys to the Ntshuxeko Foundation.


The mother of two pupils of the school, Terisa Hsu-Lee said, “As a mother of two privileged children from Crawford Pre-Primary Lonehill, the toy collection was a wonderful opportunity for us to teach our little ones the concept of giving and receiving. Instead of only focusing on holiday plans, parties and events, it was a great way to end the term with a purposeful toy clean-up.”

The toy collection got parents involved by educating their children and making them aware that there are other children who are not as fortunate as them. The toy collection resulted in a bakkie-load of toys which were collected in less than five days.

The foundation’s plans for the Easter holidays is to have a holiday programme for children aged between one and six years, with the aim of entertaining and encouraging the children to learn through play.

Children assisted by Ntshuxeko Foundation are from a remote village in Limpopo called Mahonisi and come from a community where 80 percent of the income is from social grants. The foundation is a non-profit organisation aimed at assisting institutions and individuals in need. It also focuses on adopting under-performing schools in the country and supplying the schools with educational material, equipment and support programmes to ensure the pupils improve their overall academic performance.

Ntshuxeko Foundation also provides winter school classes for exam preparation, skills development workshops, interview preparation training, career guidance and interpersonal skills development.

“The concept of involving our youth in social work and helping those around us from a young age is what the school tries to promote among its students. Encouraging children under the age of six to give away something that once belonged to them is definitely the start of developing leaders of a better, greater future,” Hsu-Lee said.


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