
K46 road upgrades to be completed in 22 months

STEYN CITY - The half-a-billion rand road upgrade north of Steyn City is gathering momentum.


Spokesman for the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport, William Hlabangwane, said the 6.7km dual carriageway will take 22 months to complete.

The department’s comment followed when Fourways Review inquired about construction activities along the R511 in Diepsloot after witnessing heavy-duty machinery scraping the earth outside the populous township.

“The K46 route forms a very important link between the N14 and the N1 south. When the final stage, Phase 2, is completed it will improve travelling time and ensure [the] safety of road users, cyclists and pedestrians using the route to get to work in the northern suburbs of Fourways, Dainfern and surrounding developments,” said Hlabangwane.

He added that the east/west link will ease traffic congestion in the southern portion of the route from Montecasino to the N1. He also revealed that the expansion was necessitated by the need to improve access to Diepsloot. The water drainage systems and relevant road furniture will also be upgraded.

“The K46 road project is currently a single carriageway with about two 3.7m surfaced lanes with gravel shoulders [which] will be upgraded to an urban dual carriageway with two or three 3.7m lanes in both directions within a 62m road reserve,” concluded Hlabangwane.

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