
Motorist challenges the law

FOURWAYS – Metro police spokesperson, Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar has made it clear that he stands by an officer's decision to confiscate a gas pellet gun from a motorist.


Minnaar explained that it was not illegal to confiscate a gun provided that the officer on duty was under the impression the gun was harmful. “Any gun can be confiscated for the purpose of investigations,” Minnaar said.

However, motorist Shelley Gilmore argues that the gun was not seen as a security risk, “The officer only confiscated the gun from me because, according to him, it was illegal to carry a pellet gun in a car.”

Gilmore, who was stopped by an officer on 7 January on the William Nicol Drive off-ramp at around 5pm, explained that she had her son’s gas pellet gun in the car as she was taking it in for repairs.

Minnaar added that Metro police was still investigating the case and encouraged the public to take details of officers who stopped them or to take a picture of the number plate of the officer’s vehicle.

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