
‘Don’t scream, don’t hoot or I’ll shoot’

FOURWAYS – A recent armed robbery at the intersection of William Nicol Drive and Main Road has put safety at intersections in the spotlight yet again.


This after a Caxton employee, who wished to remain anonymous, was robbed at gunpoint while stuck in traffic. The victim explained that a man dressed in blue jeans approached her car and pointed a gun at her. He demanded her cellphone and threatened to shoot her, after which, she it handed over. “Don’t do anything, don’t scream, don’t hoot or I’ll shoot you,” the man reportedly said.

The thief also requested her purse upon seeing her handbag, which she had draped across her shoulder.

“He then asked for my purse, even though I explained that I didn’t keep cash on me,” she said.

“After handing my purse over to him, he ransacked it then chucked it away and told me to go fetch it.” The robber then ran off.

The incident is yet to be reported to the police.

Warrant Officer Balan Muthan, head of communications for the Douglasdale police, explained that it was vital for such incidents to be reported.

Also read All intersections are crime hotspots – Metro police

Muthan said, “Reporting of crimes is of utmost importance to the police so that these perpetrators can be arrested and brought to court.”

Details: 011 699 1300.

Have you had a similar experience at this intersection? Tweet us your experiences @Fourways_Review

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