Categories: Entertainment

Trevor’s back, better than ever

At the end of the show, one appreciated what a unique country we live in.

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By Nandipha Pantsi

Trevor Noah is back in SA to do what he does best – make us laugh at ourselves. For a little over an hour, Noah did his thing on the first night of the Comedy Central International Comedy Festival at Silverstar Casino in Krugersdorp.

Noah, host of The Daily Show in the US, is in SA with his comedy show, the Nationwild Gala. With 60 comedians performing at the festival until tomorrow, it is believed to be the largest comedy festival on the continent. But on Wednesday night it was evident the crowd had come to see one man – Noah.

He may be an international star, but was just as awkward on the red carpet as his fellow comedians, who couldn’t wait to move away from the media’s gaze. But when he started his routine in true Noah style, he was suddenly a lot more comfortable.

Even though he’s been immersed in American culture for the past few months, he’s kept abreast of local news, incorporating themes such as water shedding, #FeesMustFall marches and President Zuma, without trivialising our country’s struggles. One cannot help but notice how much Noah’s delivery has improved.

At the end of the show, one appreciated what a unique country we live in. And to feel incredibly proud of Noah.

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Published by
By Nandipha Pantsi