Categories: Entertainment

Keep your ‘R1.5k’ English, Somizi’s ‘broken’ English makes him tons of cash

TV and radio personality Somizi Mhlongo has had an incredible year so far, and his career is soaring to greater heights.

Earlier this year, Mzansi Magic gave his reality show, Living The Dream With Somizi, a second season. The show trended every Wednesday on social media without fail.

But it seems Somizi’s use of the English language isn’t as “perfect” as some would like it to be. On Twitter, he was slammed for not having a perfect grasp of the language.

His charming persona, though, has now landed him an international gig. Somgaga will be hosting the red carpet of the MTV Video Awards in Los Angeles next month.

“The date is too close. When will he find the time to rehearse all those lines in proper English,” a tweep asked.

Somgaga snapped at the Twitter user, saying his broken English made him lots of money.



