Beat the budget blues, even if you’re in the red

Budget Insurance shares these tips to get your finances on track and take on the new year.

A UK-based think tank has dubbed 2022 as the year of the squeeze – a nod to an impending “cost-of-living catastrophe” caused by fuel, energy, transport and insurance price hikes. “In 2022, South Africans are also going to experience a similar financial ‘squeeze’ with an assumed interest rate hike during the first quarter of the year and a looming electricity price hike of massive proportions. Navigating this squeeze in Janu-worry and beyond will take some smart money management, which starts with an ironclad budget,” says Susan Steward, spokesperson for Budget Insurance. Budget Insurance shares these tips to get your finances on track and take on the new year:

  1. To draw up a budget, start with a list of fixed expenditures and other monthly deductions. Have a careful look at what you are spending your money on and identify where you might be “leaking” cash on non-essentials like take-aways, entertainment and satellite TV, as well as on essentials such as your cellphone, groceries and transport. Once you have pinpointed areas where you could be spending less, start cutting back.
  2. Remember, even the smallest adjustments can make a meaningful difference over the long term. Channel the extra money you have into paying off your debt faster, starting with those with the highest interest rates, first. As your debt repayments start getting smaller, you will have more and more money to allocate to your personal savings and other more worthwhile causes – such as saving for retirement planning, a deposit on a new house or a holiday.
  3. Set a savings goal for yourself and consider saving as a non-negotiable, essential ‘expense’ on your monthly budget. Whether your goal is to put away R250 or R1000 a month, put it in your budget and stick to it.
  4. Get creative when looking for ways to cut back on costs. For instance, you could establish lift clubs to save money on fuel and encourage your family to switch off lights in unoccupied rooms to save cutback on electricity costs. Shop around for bargains and less expensive brands… and don’t forget to use your loyalty benefits to the max.
  5. Put away your credit cards. Don’t carry them around in your purse or wallet as you might be tempted to spend. Rather carry a debit card for everyday purchases and save up for the more expensive things you want.
  6. Be honest about your debt obligations and your expenses so that you have a clear and realistic picture of your financial situation. Prioritise those with high-interest rates and ensure that you pay the minimum on your credit and store cards.

Advice for those times when you’re really in a financial jam. Clear out and sell unwanted things  Get rid of the things that you no longer need or scale down to create financial breathing room. Good options include electronics, furniture, books and clothing.

Tap into a side hustle  Making extra cash is a great way to make sure you meet all your expenses during these tough times.

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