Simple ways to calm your overly busy toddler

While there is no magic button to calm your overactive toddler, there are a few hacks that can help settle your tot.

Being a parent of a toddler means constantly being on your feet. Why are toddlers so active, you may ask? Simply put, toddlers are often overactive because their brains and bodies are developing at such a rapid rate.

They’re like little sponges, absorbing all there is to know and learn about the world around them. While this type of behaviour is fairly common and normal (most parents will admit to having an overactive toddler), it’s not to be confused with hyperactivity, which is often caused by a medical condition known as ADHD. In this case, your child will need to be tested.

Signs that could indicate your child needs a break 

If you feel that your child is too busy, there are a few things you can do to help him use up stored energy.

According to the Nemours Foundation, you should watch out for these three signs as they could indicate that your child is overscheduled with too many activities and need to slow down in order to process his day:

  1. Feeling constantly tired, anxious, or depressed.
  2. Complaining of headaches and stomachaches, which may be due to stress, missed meals, or lack of sleep.
  3. Older kids might fall behind on their schoolwork, causing their grades to drop. Younger kids might not want to participate in group play or activities.

Promote a well-balanced and happy environment

If you believe that your little one simply has excess energy, here are a few tips to help calm him down so that he’s well balanced and happy:


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