Mokopane mother is taken into custody over dog attack on toddler

The police have confirmed the arrest of the mother of a three-year-old toddler who died after being attacked by dogs.

The police have confirmed the arrest of the mother of a three-year-old toddler who died after being attacked by dogs.

Limpopo police spokesperson, Colonel Moatshe Ngoepe, said on Tuesday 28 May the mother was taken into custody on allegations of child neglect.

The incident happened in the Mokopane township of Mahwelereng on Saturday 18 May at about 22h00.

At the time Ngoepe had said the police were investigating the possibility that a mother had taken the girl along to a local tavern, where she left her unattended in another room on the

The child apparently ended up wondering around the backyard of the tavern, when suddenly she was attacked by dogs.

Bystanders rushed the child to hospital, where she was certified dead on arrival.

Ngoepe said police investigations continue.

— The BEAT

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