
Letter: Stop the lies about jobs opportunities

After four years of anxiously waiting, poor innocent people who believed the premier’s lies and once more voted for the ANC, are still without any jobs and are now poverty-stricken and desperate.

Gawie Richter, Modimolle, writes:

We are on the threshold of a national election.

On 1 October 2018 the premier of Limpopo, Stan Mathabatha, proudly announced that 21 000 jobs will be created in Limpopo by March 2019.

After four years of anxiously waiting, poor innocent people who believed the premier’s lies and once more voted for the ANC, are still without any jobs and are now poverty-stricken and desperate.

With another election on the horizon, please refrain from lying to the voters and stop all empty promises. Rather be honest and admit that after 30 years of corruption and misusing of taxpayers’ money, the gravy train has derailed. It is time for a change.

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