
Letter: New vigour in local municipal work teams

What a pleasure to see people actually doing what they are paid to do.

Rate paying resident, Bela-Bela, writes:

As a Bela-Bela resident, I travel daily to and from town and my residence.

Over the past months, I often noticed workers in orange overalls working on the sidewalks, road verges, and traffic islands.

Although the team would consist of eight or more workers, I seldom saw more than one worker actually working at a time. I also noted that they often all sat down, doing nothing but waiting for hours to pass.

This observation was not made at times normally considered as lunch or tea time-breaks.

However, this past week I was presently surprised to see working teams dressed in green and yellow overalls.

These people, however, were really working diligently and were thorough in their endeavor.

What a pleasure to see people actually doing what they are paid to do.

When you pass such workers, consider giving them a hoot and “thumbs-up” to show that they are appreciated.

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