
Letter: Public comment on hate crimes and hate speech bill now open

The bill aims to provide for the offence of hate crime and the offence of hate speech and the prosecution of persons who commit those offences.

Bulelani Magwanishe, Chairperson of the Parliamentary communication service, writes:

The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services invited stakeholders and interested persons as from Thursday 27 August to submit written submissions on the prevention and combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill.

The purpose of the bill is, among others, to give effect to South Africa’s obligations in terms of the constitution and international human rights instruments concerning racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in accordance with international law obligations.

The bill further aims to provide for the offence of hate crime and the offence of hate speech and the prosecution of persons who commit those offences, provide for appropriate sentences that may be imposed on persons who commit hate crimes and hate speech offences, provide for the prevention of hate crimes and hate speech, provide for the reporting on the implementation, application and administration of this act and effect consequential amendments to certain acts of parliament.

He said submissions must be received by no later than Friday 1 October and submitters must indicate their interest in making a verbal presentation.

Submissions and enquiries must be directed by e-mail to V Ramaano at Hatecrimes@parliament.gov.za(.)

Copies of the bill may be obtained from Ramaano by phoning (021) 403 3820 or 083 709 8427 or by visiting www.parliament.gov.za(.)

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