
Friends of reserve concerned about sewage

Incidents of this nature could have a negative influence on the ecology.

Marion Mengell, Friends of Nylsvley, writes:

We have been following the reports in the social media about the spillage from the Modimolle Abattoir and that the local sewage works is apparently not fully functional.

Members of Friends of Nylsvley and Nyl Floodplain representing the general public are very concerned about this situation.

Nylsvley Nature Reserve is downstream of Modimolle and receives all the water from these facilities via the Nyl River after flowing passed Phagameng Township and several farms.

Raw animal products and poorly treated sewage have high bacterial, mineral, and nitrogen content, as well as bacteria that can cause something called eutrophication which is overgrowth of the plants, animals and insects that reside naturally in the water. This causes gross disturbances in the ecological functioning of the floodplain, and especially allows alien plants, fish etcetera to take over.

We have noticed this phenomenon at Nylsvley after previous incidences at the sewage works not functioning properly.

Nylsvley Nature Reserve on the Nyl floodplain is a Ramsar Site of international importance because of its wetland habitats and water birds — one of only about 20 in South Africa.

The reserve supports over 100 species of water birds and is an important breeding area for many, including some endangered species.

The whole Nyl floodplain is a Birdlife South Africa acclaimed important Bird and Biodiversity Area.

Incidents of this nature could have a negative influence on the ecology and jeopardise the status, thus causing the downgrading of the Ramsar Site registration.

We do hope that the residents of Modimolle and Phagameng will be supportive and distribute their grey water in their gardens to allow the sewage works time to regain control, and that no animals or children are allowed to drink or play in the Nyl River.

We are hoping and praying that the two municipalities involved, and the relevant government departments, will rectify the situation speedily.

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