
SAGA following up on firearms draft

The draft document seeks to introduce draconian provisions to the Firearms Control Act, such as scrapping provisions allowing for the possession of self-defence firearms.

South African Gunowners Association (SAGA), via e-mail, writes:

A so-called draft, Firearms Control Amendment Bill of 2017, clearly endorsed “draft do not copy” on every one of its 148 pages, was circulated on social media early on Tuesday 16 October.

The draft document seeks to introduce draconian provisions to the Firearms Control Act, such as scrapping provisions allowing for the possession of self-defence firearms thus drastically reducing the number of firearms that dedicated sport shooters and dedicated hunters may possess, as well as drastically amending provisions pertaining to private firearm collectors. This also reduces the period of validity of competency certificates while introducing stricter requirements for competency and introducing the provision of so-called “valid reasons” for wanting to own firearms and the establishment of a consultative forum, however, without any representative of the firearm owners community serving on it.

These are a few of the proposed amendments contained therein.

It appears that this document has not been officially distributed by government.

Firstly, it ought to have been approved by Cabinet, which did not happen; and secondly, it should have been published in the Government Gazette by the Minister of Police. SAGA does not know the origin of this so-called draft bill, or who distributed it. Accordingly, SAGA will not react to it.

If this document reflects government’s views towards private firearm ownership, and if this is what government intends to introde as law, then SAGA and the whole firearm owners community must be prepared to take action.

That said, in a media statement just released, the chairman of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Police has denied knowledge of the draft bill.

We are aware that the parliamentary programme for 2018 is almost finalised and we doubt whether the Portfolio Committee on Police will deal with any legislation at this late stage. We also expect that all political parties will from now on be fully absorbed by their respective election campaigns and we further doubt whether any attention will be given to fresh legislation until after the elections in 2019, the re-establishment of parliamentary committees and re-appointment of members hence forth.

For the moment we can only advise SAGA members and law-abiding firearm owners of the so-called draft bill and confirm we are following up on this document and will keep you informed of developments.

In the meantime, stay safe and use your firearms safely and responsibly.

The PDF document of the proposed amendment is available on our website.

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