
Once again, empty promises!

Mathabatha is counting chicks before the eggs are laid.

Gawie Richter, Modimolle writes:

Limpopo premier Stan Mathabatha’s announcement on Monday 1 October that 21 000 jobs will be created by March 2019 must be regarded as bait on a hook to catch innocent, poor and unemployed people for their votes.

He is bargaining on negotiations earlier this year between South Africa and China. Nothing has been finalised and he is counting chicks before the eggs are laid.

Surely voters have become accustomed to the modus operandi of false promises by the ANC to gain votes just before elections?

It is a known fact that once on the ANC gravy train, officials will do everything possible to retain their seats. Whilst the poorest of the poor are suffering, officials are enjoying life to its very utmost.

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