
Speak with one voice

TAU SA's database reflects a figure of 70, which implies a slightly more than 10% higher figure than the official statistics.

Louis Meintjes, President: TAU SA, writes:

According to the South African Police Services 62 murders were committed on agricultural properties during the last financial year.

However, the TAU SA database reflects a figure of 70, which implies a slightly more than 10% higher figure than the official statistics. This difference and the necessity to speak with one voice on a topic which is increasingly receiving international interest, demands to be consolidated. In this regard TAU SA has approached the Minister of Police on several occasions to discuss the matter, as well as other related issues, but to date no constructive response has been forthcoming.

It is imperative that in a matter of national (and even international) concern, the problem requires joint and integrated action. Bearing this in mind, a National Agriculture Safety Strategy in support of the Police Rural Safety Strategy, has been drafted, approved at ASUF level and duly implemented.

It is trusted that both the Minister of Police, as well as the National Police Commissioner, will realise that the on-going threat of extremely violent and senseless crimes against farmers, their families and other farm dwellers require a dedicated and unified effort to ensure a safe and secure environment for isolated communities responsible for ensuring food security in South Africa.

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