
School’s out for principal

The bell has rung and a new chapter has started for Steven Majapholo, who retired at the end of January after being at the head of Solomon Mahlangu High School in Modimolle for 18 years.

His alarm clock still goes off at 04:00, he says. “When you have been a teacher for such a long time, it is difficult to break the routine!”

Majapholo almost accidentally became a teacher, but it has been a blessing.

“When I was young I was unsure what I wanted to study. I did an aptitude test for work at Telkom but did not make it. I then saw that there were bursaries available for technical teaching that paid for both one’s accommodation and textbooks and I applied.”

His career was off to a good start – trainee at Technicon Mabopane East. Majapholo knows the Waterberg like the back of his hand. He first attended school at a small farm school near Phala Phala outside Bela-Bela and completed his matric in Mokopane.

After completing his studies, he worked for the Department of Education at Soshanguve Technical Centre. He later accepted a position at a primary school at Hessie-Se-Water just outside Modimolle.

“When the school closed down, I was employed at Phagameng High School.”

Phagameng continued to grow, as did the number of learners attending the school.

In 2006 the brand new Solomon Mahlangu High School opened its doors to Grade 8 learners to relieve the pressure on Phagameng High School. Majapholo was seconded to the new school.

“We were excited but had lots of challenges to deal with, as the school for many years had no management team.”

As ‘father’ of the newly established school, he had to wear the hats of both principal and educator of a rapidly growing school.

“We worked very hard to get our academic standards up and to instil discipline at the school, but without enough staff, it was often a difficult task.”

More appointments were made and from 2018 the school started to see the results of their efforts. They achieved a pass rate of 80,2% in 2020.

Majopholo said that he will miss working with his senior management team at the school, the principals and governance in the Nylstroom Circuit as well as the educators and learners.

“Working with children reminds one of your days as a youngster and keeps you young!”

Majapholo, who ran marathons in his younger days, loved interacting with the kids on the sports fields.

He encourages parents to support their children and be involved in their lives.

“Motivate your child and if you see that academic work is not his strong suit, explore options where he can work with his hands. It is a parent’s responsibility to guide their children.”

After decades in front of classes, next to sports fields, in meetings with educators, and in front of books with a red pen in hand, Majapholo knows: teaching is a labour of love. He can’t wait to see the next generation flourish.

Kwena Modiba has been appointed as acting principal at Solomon Mahlangu High School until a new appointment has been made.

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