
Debater to compete internationally

A Grd 9 learner from Mohlakamotala High School in Alma has debated her way to the top and pocketed R8 000 in prize money.

Karabo Grace Katjedi’s debate journey started when she took part in a debate competition on road safety. Learners from Grd 8-11 debated on topics relating to what happens on our roads. Katjedi came fifth during this competition.

“I took part in the second level of the competition and achieved third place. During the provincial competition that was held at the Polokwane Ranch Hotel, I came second. The MEC for Transport also attended the event. I won a trophy and R8 000 prize money,” she said excitedly. Katjedi, originally form Lebowakgomo, resides in the school’s hostel.

“The adjudicators told me about the South African Schools Debating Board and I entered for that competition in Polokwane too. I made it to the nationals and qualified to take part internationally as I was part of the junior team that won. We are not sure yet where we will compete, but I am very excited about this opportunity.

“We are going to keep on practising during December at the University of Pretoria and will get the chance to travel overseas early next year. I’m also working on a documentary that is being filmed on the abuse of women and children,” the youngster said.

“I have always loved public speaking and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to participate in these competitions. I am grateful to Mrs Rita Malan, who improved our English. At this school we have learnt to be passionate about debating,” she said.

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