
Well wishes for the Grade 12s

Bela-Bela Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) co-ordinator, Sello Moswoeu, has sent out a special message of support towards Grade 12 learners presently sitting for the 2018 final examinations. The exams started on Monday 15 October.

Bela-Bela Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) co-ordinator, Sello Moswoeu, has sent out a special message of support towards Grade 12 learners presently sitting for the 2018 final examinations.
The exams started on Monday 15 October.

Addressing learners at the local Raeleng High School on Friday 19 October, and also Bela-Bela High School on Monday the 22 October, he said those sitting for the exams needed to stay focussed.

A total of 37 340 Grade 12 learners nationwide are currently sweating it out under the watchful eyes of invigilators.

Moswoeu said learners needed to set aside all other challenges of life, to remain focussed.

He said matric exams were a lifetime opportunity for candidates to prepare themselves for life beyond high school, and that they should continue to appreciate the support and wisdom drawn from educators, parents and the broader community.

“Dedicate more of your time to your studies at this critical stage of your education, and give it your best. Social media, dating and partying won’t benefit you in anyway. Just wait till you
finish with your studies to do as you please, because no one will ever take your qualifications away from you,” he said.

— The BEAT

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