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Concerns over incorrect billing

Residents of Bela-Bela are up in arms over incorrect bills received via SMS system.

Many residents claim that there are discrepancies. In some instances, the amounts due run into tens of thousands. In comparison to previous billing, there are huge errors.

Peter Moloto, the Communications Officer for Bela-Bela Local Municipality, confirmed that the municipality uses an SMS system to communicate the latest billing accounts to residents. There was an issue with the name of Bela-Bela Municipality not appearing on the received SMSs but he assured residents that these SMSs had originated from the municipality.

The municipality will rectify the issue. Moloto also noted that some residents are unhappy with the billing amounts, and agrees that human error may be the reason for the high increases quoted on the SMSs.

He has, however, made it clear that in many cases in the past, the municipality had to rely on estimates usage, because of several issues, like lack of access, or difficulty to reach meters.

There are also some cases where new valuations of property did occur, and higher valuations can make a major difference in the rates billed.

He also made it clear that the law states that it is the responsibility of each citizen to pay the correct, and proper taxes however, it is also everyone’s legal right to challenge and question their municipal accounts if they feel that errors were made. He invites everyone with issues to visit the Municipal offices and state their cases.

If a resident can prove that a mistake was made, the municipality will gladly make the appropriate adjustments to their accounts.

Moloto stated that Ward Council Members are there to assist residents in this matter, and anyone, whether from old age, ill health, or disability, who cannot personally come to the municipal offices, must be assisted by the Ward Council Members to have their grievances attended to. However, it is difficult to determine where errors occured because each case is unique, he said.

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