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School principals and business leaders work towards success

The Partners for Possibility (PfP) programme in the Waterberg is going from strength to strength.

The Partners for Possibility (PfP) programme in the Waterberg is going from strength to strength.

The group had its second Community of Practice meeting on Thursday 25 July at Maope Secondary School in Bela Bela.

PfP partners eight school principals each with a business leader in their community.

Together they will complete a 150-hour programme over the course of a year to the benefit of both.

The programme is internationally-recognised and is offered throughout the country.

During their visit, the group learnt more about Maope Secondary School and the challenges it faces.

Magdaline Finika Laka is the principal and leads 1169 learners and 37 staff members.

During the meeting the group reflected on how they have implemented what they’ve learnt since their workshop on Thursday 11 July 11 this year.

“When you listen to others you give them attention and appreciation. I’m becoming a great listener,” said Ramadimetja Sarah Seloane, principal from Letamong Combined School in Mookgophong.

“The group members are connecting well with each other and their partners, building strong relationships, and from there they will implement planning and action for sustainability in the eight schools involved,” said Brenda Scrooby, the facilitator.

The 16 partners from the group recently participated in a Flawless Consulting workshop held at Shangri-La Hotel outside Modimolle, which was facilitated by Anita Moerman van Blankenburg, from
Symphonia Leadership Development.

According to Scrooby, a growing body of literature recognises school leadership as the critical factor in turning around an education system in crisis.

International research shows that the key differences between schools that succeed and schools that fail are the vision, commitment, and leadership skills of the principal and the extent to
which parents and other community members are involved in the school.

Since 2010 Symphonia for South Africa has been supporting and developing school principals by partnering business leaders (with skills and knowledge of leading change) with school principals in
co-action and co-learning Partnerships for Possibility across the country.

Partners for Possibility is a leadership development and principal support process that equips principals with the skills and knowledge to lead change and mobilise the communities around their schools.

— The BEAT

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