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From technology back to tokoloshi

The BEAT’s editor on Wednesday 6 March found himself – so to speak – being dragged kicking and screaming from modern technology back to the age of tokoloshi.

The BEAT’s editor on Wednesday 6 March found himself – so to speak – being dragged kicking and screaming from modern technology back to the age of tokoloshi.

Johnny Masilela said he woke up on the day to find his car sprinkled with what those close to him believe to be “muti (magic potion)”.

The off-brown greasy substance was sprinkled on the roof atop the driver’s seat, and also on the front bonnet.

Asked if he was worried about being possibly in the sights of the feared tokoloshi, Masilela dared – tongue-in-cheek – that he feared no creepy-crawlies such as the “little gentleman”, because
he was the descendent of the warrior tribespeople of Mzilikazi and by extension Shaka and Senzangakhona.

He said it was not for the first time that his private vehicle was sprinkled with the brownish stuff.

On a serious note ‘though, the editor warned the broader community that violating private property was an offence punishable by law, and that he would not hesitate to bring in his lawyers
should he positively identify the culprit.

With this in mind, Mr Tokoloshe please be warned to watch your step, lest modern technology sets the law on you!

— The BEAT

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