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Fireman Thipe Dlamini’s tips in event of a fire

Emerging from a personal experience of smoke inhalation during the fire at the Waterfront, Bela-Bela risk management head, Thipe Dlamini has dispatched a fire survival guide which could save people in case of a fire.

Emerging from a personal experience of smoke inhalation during the fire at the Waterfront, Bela-Bela risk management head, Thipe Dlamini has dispatched a fire survival guide which could save people in case of a fire.

“After surviving the smoke inhalation ordeal which nearly cost me dearly, I saw it wise to compile and try helping my fellow citizens,” he said.

He said statistics had shown that every year the fire brigade is called out to over 60,000 fires in the homes around the world.

And every year around 500 people die in these fires, while 10,000 are injured.

If a fire occurs in your home, your chances of survival will depend on how quickly, level-headed and safely you are able to get out.

The following is advice on how to protect yourself in the event of a fire.

Planning your escape route:

If a fire occurs in your home, you may have to get out in dark and difficult conditions. Escaping from a fire will be a lot easier if you have already planned your escape route and know where
to go. Make sure that your planned escape route remains free of any obstructions and that there are no loose floor coverings that could trip you. Everyone in the house should be made aware of
the escape route. Make sure your children understand the routine and frequently conduct fire drill with your family. It might sound cumbersome but it works.

If you have serious mobility difficulties, you may wish to consider having your bedroom on the ground floor, if this is practical, and as near as possible to an exit. If you need assistance to
make your escape, it is vital that you have some means of summoning help by your bed, such as a buzzer, intercom or telephone.

What to do if a fire breaks out:

We all try to prevent fire starting in our homes. But it only takes an unguarded or careless moment for a fire to start. A couple of minutes later and your home could be filled with smoke.
Smoke and fumes can kill — particularly the highly-poisonous smoke from some furnishings. You will only have a short time to get out. Use it wisely and try not to panic.

* If you can safely do so, close the door of the room where the fire has started and close all other doors behind you. This will help delay the spread of smoke.

* Before opening a closed door, use the back of your hand to touch it. Don’t open it if it feels warm — the fire may be on the other side.

* Get everyone out as quickly as possible. Don’t try to pick up valuables or possessions. Make your way out as safely as possible and try not to panic.

* Never go back into your home until a fire officer has told you it is safe.

It will help if you have planned your escape route rather than waiting until there is a fire. Telephone the fire brigade on 014 736 8000 or 014 718 3374 from a neighbours’ house or a telephone
box. Clearly state the address of the fire and possibly help with land marks.

What to do if you’re cut off by fire:

It’s not easy, but try to remain calm. Save your energy to help you survive

* If you are prevented from getting out because of flames or smoke, close the door nearest to the fire and use towels or sheets to block any gaps. This will help stop smoke spreading into the

* Go to the window. If the room becomes smoky, go down to floor level — it’s easier to breathe because the smoke will rise upwards.

* Open the window, try to attract the attention of others who can alert the fire brigade. Wait for the fire brigade, they should arrive in a matter of minutes.

* If you are in immediate danger and your room is not too high from the ground, drop cushions or bedding to the ground below to break your fall from the window.

* Get out feet first and lower yourself to the full length of your arms before dropping.

Bedtime Routine:

Many fires in the home start at night. Make sure you have a bedtime fire safety routine to help keep you and your family safe. Here are a few simple things you should do every night:

* Switch off and unplug all electrical appliances not designed to stay on. (There are specially designed plugs available which can be very easily inserted and removed. Make sure no cigarettes
or pipes are still burning. Never smoke in bed.

* Before emptying ashtrays make sure the contents are cold.

* Switch off portable heaters.

* Close the doors of all rooms.

— The BEAT

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