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DA takes a stand against expropriation of land

The DA had already taken the farm attack crisis up with Bheki Cele, minister of police.

Farm attacks and land expropriation without compensation are some of the most talked about topics these days and the cause of great concerns among residents and political parties.

It is the opinion of the DA that both of these issues can have an integral effect on the future for all land owners and both issues need urgent attention.

Jacques Smalle, DA provincial leader, Lindy Wilson, MP and DA constituency head of the Waterberg, and Desirée van der Walt, MP and constituency head in the Tzaneen area, along with other prominent DA members visited the residents of Noodhulp outside of Bela-Bela on Saturday 23 June.

Wilson briefly spoke about the recent farm attacks in the area — especially referring to Dr. Hercu van Niekerk and his wife Lesley, both retired veterinarians, as well as their farm worker Abram Khethisa, who were attacked on Friday 15 June in the Boekenhout area outside of Modimolle.

Four armed suspects shot at the couple and one of their workers when they were on their way to feed their animals. Lesley was shot in the stomach. The suspects took them to the house and robbed them of various items, including the couple’s Toyota bakkie before they fled, The Post had earlier reported.

Lesley was airlifted to hospital in a critical condition but survived the ordeal.

Wilson said the DA had already taken the farm attack crisis up with Bheki Cele, minister of police.

She said that Cele agreed on the urgency of the matter and had already started establishing rural crime units in various areas to address the issue.

“These people (criminal suspects) are not just targeting white people as is believed. They are targeting South Africans — they target and even kill black owners and workers, Indian owners, etc.,” said Wilson.

“The community rural forum (CPF) and the farmers were very organized during the Van Niekerk’s ordeal. I have to say, since these type of safety groups were established, fewer people have passed away.”

She urged the residents to reach out and be familiar with their neighbours, because then help will only be a call away.

Smalle referred to the ANC government, who, with the EFF supporting the motion earlier this year, wants to change article 25 of the constitution regarding land ownership and to expropriate land without compensation.

The joint parliamentary constitutional review committee was established and calls were made to the public to provide written submissions on the issue.

Over 700 000 submissions had been received thus far and public hearings are scheduled to take place all over the country. Hearings for Limpopo are also scheduled to take place in Mokopane and Marble Hall on 27 and 28 June.

According to Smalle, the number of submissions has surpassed 900 000.

Moloto Mothapo, parliamentary spokesperson, said in a press release that if the author of the submission cannot be traced, their submission will not be accepted.

Public hearings will continue until August and the committee will give feedback to residents by September on whether article 25 will be changed or not, according to the statement.

Smalle continued saying there is a large group of people who do not wish to stay on farm land or want to farm at all.

Also that there is a trend where people are leaving Limpopo to work in other provinces, which is not favourable for the province.

“The recapitalization of these farms, after they have been expropriated, will be possible, but the problem, as seen before, is that new beneficiaries or owners are not up to the task to keep it operational. We believe that it is the government’s intention for these properties to belong the state,” said Smalle.

“The ANC must get the biggest blame for this, along with the EFF. It is not the constitution’s fault, it is the fault of political figures, corruption and a land reform process that has utterly failed. The DA believes that expropriation cannot take place without compensation.”

Van der Walt said that if things continue at this rate South Africa will become another Venezuela.

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