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Bela-Bela hospital staff thankful for donations

A private hospital from Benoni in Ekurhuleni arrived all the way from Gauteng to donate mattresses to Bela-Bela Hospital.

The Sumnshine Private Hospital leadership was in town on Wednesday 23 May, off-loading a total of 24 ward mattresses and three baby delivery mattresses, for the benefit of the local maternity ward.

All the mattresses are impermeable and anti-bacterial.

Bela-Bela Hospital spokesperson, Bhuti Moagi, and clinical manager, Dr Dan Sithole, welcomed the visitors on behalf of the local health workers.

Elated hospital personnel stumbled over each other to get rid of the old mattresses.

“We are very much happy and thankful, and we pledge to handle the new mattresses with care. The donation will make our job much easier than what we used to work with before. Our patients will also feel the difference between the old and new mattresses, thanks to our donors,” Sithole said.

Moagi said that the hospital went into partnership with the donors as part of their drive of ploughing back into the local community.

The donation was in line with the late Nelson Mandela’s centenary commemorations nationwide.

– The Beat

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