
Gravestones damaged by vandals

Residents of Bela-Bela are concerned about a recent incident of vandalism at the Mokoena Street Cemetery in Mazakhela, Bela-Bela and local youngsters could be responsible for this hideous deed.

Peter Moloto, from Bela-Bela Municipality, said that according to information received, a group of youths dressed in school uniform, entered the cemetery on Wednesday, 4 June and several headstones were later found to be pushed over or vandalised.

The municipality has released a statement in which it condemns any acts of vandalism. The Municipality stated: “The Municipality condemns in the strongest terms, the inhuman acts of vandalism perpetrated by unknown individuals.

The Municipality wishes to remind residents that cemeteries are a sacred place and therefore must be respected at all times.”

The Municipality urges residents who have family buried in this cemetery to visit the gravesites and check the state of the tombstones. Incidents like these are very rare in the Bela-Bela area, and residents are not used to this type of almost ‘sacrilegious’ vandalism.

It has been confirmed that a case of malicious property damage was opened and the matter is being investigated by the Bela-Bela Police.

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