
Lekkerbreek Primary School wins windfall of a cool R10 000

Modimolle-based Lekkerbreek Primary School came out tops at the regional leg of Limpopo Green Schools for The Earth Programme (LGSEP).

Modimolle-based Lekkerbreek Primary School came out tops at the regional leg of Limpopo Green Schools for The Earth Programme (LGSEP).

The programme was facilitated by the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism.

Through the programme, the department envisioned sustainable environmental management for present and future generations.

Participating schools in the Waterberg were visited and assessed, with learners making their presentation on environmental management.

Educator Ezekiel Moatshe said the school entered the competition with its Grade 3 learners making their presentations on various topics.

“I think part of the reasons we won is that our learners understood their topics. It something they learn and do at school everyday,” he said.

Moatshe said he was confident the learners would represent the region well at provincial level.

One of the participating learners, Joyce Ngoako, whose topic was waste management, expressed delight at the fact that the school won first prize.

“We are encouraged to recycle paper, and also to use banana peels as fertilizer in the schools’ garden instead of throwing them around the schoolyard,” she said.

Another learner, Phehello Moaga, presented on the topic of landscaping, tree planting and beautification.

She said she was also excited about winning at the regional level, and looking forward to the next challenge.

— The BEAT

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