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Perfect send-off

Comradely salute for the much-loved Mantsetsi

The much-loved Bela-Bela political activist and municipal worker Mantsetsi Thiyo (44) was buried during an emotion-charged send-off at the local cemetery last weekend.

Labour movement activists raise clenched fists to salute the fallen Comrade Mantsetsi Thiyo. Photo: TK Mashaba

Several hundred mourners packed the Bela-Bela Community Hall to pay their last respects to an ANC “comrade” and family member.

Bela-Bela Residents Association (BRA) leader, Joseph Makhubela, was one of the programme directors.

Sello Moswoeu of the Economic Freedom Figheters (EFF) was in attendance, as well as the Democratic Alliance’s David Senosha.

Moswoeu paid tribute to the late Thiyo, who he said was in the habit of calling Moswoeu “my leader”, even if they belonged to opposing political parties.

From the community hall the cortege headed for the local cemetery, with a bumper-to-bumper motorcade, and scores of other mourners walking their way to the local graveyard.

Among the mourners were ANC representatives from both national and provincial structures.

Well-known Bela-Bela traffic officer, Khoro Rachidumela, spoke in glowing terms about Thiyo during a mid-week memorial service.

He was received with nods of approval when he spoke movingly about a colleague who was always supportive of others who happened to find themselves under pressure from officialdom, for one
reason or the other.

He said Thiyo started making his presence felt when he threw in his lot with the ranks of the South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu).

“He was always a vibrant labour activist and comrade,” Rachidumela said.

Socialite and political activist, Matome Sebelebele captured a moving eulogy for a boyhood friend and “comarade”, saying Thiyo was sent off during a “most dignified funeral I have witnessed at

“Although death is infamously known for stealing lives, both young and old, his community-wide appeal across all sectors of our local society, has once again restored faith in the beauty of African humanity, even at the time of grief and mourning,” Sebelebele said.

He said what touched him was the presence of no less than five former mayors who attended the burial of Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa in Gauteng the previous day, to pay their
last respects to Thiyo.

Among the dignitaries in attendance was incumbent Mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni.

— The BEAT

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