
High school learner stabbed to death

An 18-year-old learner, Photigo Monareng of Maopa Secondary School in Bela-Bela was stabbed to death on Tuesday, 28th of November.

“According to reports two groups of boys had a heated argument. In the process the victim was stabbed and sustained serious injuries,” said Brigadier Hlulani Mashaba. “The victim was immediately transported to the hospital by a community member who witnessed the incident and was declared dead on arrival.”

Police traced the suspects and apprehended them on Tuesday, 28 November. Three knives, one hammer, and one axe were confiscated. According to Mashaba the motive of the incident is unknown, but police investigation will continue. Hadebe remarked that they have noticed a trend of bullying and a culture of violence in schools recently. Hadebe urged parents, schools, and police to report bullying and violence as soon as it occurs.

“It is time to hold those responsible for these acts to account.”

The suspects aged between 18 and 30 will appear in the Bela-Bela magistrate court on Thursday, 30 November on charges of murder.

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