
Stroke of luck for DA’s new candidate

The ordinary council meeting of the Bela-Bela Municipality held on Thursday 27 July took an interesting turn when the newly appointed DA-councilor was elected to the executive committee.

Deceased DA councilor, Johan Mills, served on the executive committee before his death in May which led to a vacancy. His position was filled by Andries van der Heyde (DA) last week.

Because the opposition at the time of the council meeting was equal in numbers, Gloria Seleka, mayor, put it forward that a drawing of names should be done to elect a new member.

The DA, Freedom Front Plus and EFF currently have two members each serving on the municipal council.

Mafa Netshivhambe, IEC representative, draws the name of the party, whose member will serve on the Bela-Bela-municipality’s executive committee.

Members of the DA raised concern to the Speaker, Nelly Zikhali, that executive committees are formalized after a national election and must serve the full term until the next election, despite vacancies and by-election results.

After the 2021 election, the DA won enough votes, which guaranteed them a place on the executive. The draw, based on another set of legislation, carried on nonetheless.

After a short stomach-churning moment, Mafa Netshivhambe of the local Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) drew the lucky winner. The DA won and could nominate their candidate.

The DA approved Van der Heyde to serve on the executive committee, while DA councilor David Senosha will be a representative at the Waterberg District Municipality.

“To serve on the executive committee is an excellent place to be in the municipality since I will be in the ‘political engine room’ of the Council. I will use the opportunity to benefit our town and the residents,” said Van der Heyde.

Desiree Van der Walt, DA constituency leader in the Waterberg, said that they are happy with the outcome.

The executive committee, as per the municipal structures act, is tasked to identify the needs of the municipality, review the needs according to budget allocations, recommend strategies, identify and develop criteria to identify performance management, and review performances against outcomes.

Every sub-committees report is scrutinized by the executive committee before it goes forward to a council meeting for approval or to be referred back for further deliberation.

Decisions taken should always be in favor of the community.

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