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State-of-the-art ward for Modimolle hospital

The FH Odendaal hospital in Modimolle celebrated the unveiling of the newly refurbished maternity ward on Friday 9 December.

This follows the tragic incident where part of the building, containing the Covid-19 isolation ward and a separate female ward, was destroyed in a fire in the early morning of Tuesday 4 May 2021.

The fire, in which two male patients lost their lives, originated in the Covid-19 male ward where one patient, who suffered from dementia, tried to light a cigarette. The nursing staff managed to bring all the other patients to safety while extinguishing the fire themselves before emergency services arrived on the scene.

The new ward was unveiled by Dr Phophi Ramathuba (Limpopo health MEC) and Sophie Dayimani (Ward 11 councillor).

A beautifully landscaped garden was added outside the new maternity ward.

“After weeping over the fire, we are celebrating today. FH Odendaal hospital can be proud of this refurbished ward and renovations in honour of the two patients who died here in the tragic fire,” Ramathuba said.

The new maternity ward is equipped with ultramodern monitors and innovative equipment. Where the old maternity ward only had 16 beds, the new ward has 22 beds in comfortable rooms, fitted with automated doors. Another innovative feature is the face recognition security system at the entrance that prevents unauthorised access to the ward. The three delivery rooms are fitted with appropriate beds and the high-care room is placed next to the nurses’ station. There are two admission rooms as well as two ante-natal rooms. The state-of-the-art operating theatre was built on the exact spot where the fire originated.

Another great feature of the refurbishment is the enclosed corridor that links the maternity ward to the adjacent building where the neo-natal ward will be replacing the existing paediatric ward.

The old maternity ward will be renovated and reinstated as the female ward.

Among the dignitaries attending the unveiling, was Grace Bulannga (District Executive Manager for Waterberg) and a number of local councillors — Sophie Dayimani (Ward 11 and Chief Whip of the ANC), Joseph Manaka (Ward 10), Anthandi Mathabathe (Ward 9), Elvis Ramogale (Ward 4), John Majoko (Ward 2), Khalimi Moima (Ward 1) and Bravo Monyela.

Dr Ngokoana Nkoana, who has been working at the hospital as the senior clinical manager for more than five years, has now been appointed as Acting CEO. Dr Muthei Dombo has been filling in as Acting Head of Department (HOD) for the past six months while the recruitment for a permanent HOD is in progress.

Sr Olivia Thagisa, who has recently been appointed as the Nursing Manager, is excited about the new maternity ward and said all the nurses want to work in this ward.

Ramathuba explained that the World Health Organisation (WHO) monitors the collapse of any healthcare system based on the statistics of maternal and infant deaths, as well as deaths in children under five years.

“It is therefore critically important to focus on the care of pregnant women, infants and children younger than five,” she said.

She told The Post that she disagrees with the national government’s strategy to demolish and build from scratch, because such projects are rarely completed.

“In my view, it is much better to upgrade and refurbish one ward or unit within each financial year in order to gradually improve the entire hospital. However, maintenance remains a challenge that should be incorporated into the hospital’s planning and budget,” she said.

During her keynote address, she emphasized the importance of infrastructure in order to deliver health care services.

She said: “During the lockdown, we adjusted the way we worked and held all our meetings virtually. But there is no way a midwife can deliver a baby virtually. Beds for patients cannot be replaced therefore hospitals need to plan and budget for infrastructure.”

Community members and staff who attended the unveiling event are looking forward to welcoming the first baby to be born here.

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