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President Ramaphosa said South Africa recorded more than 3,7 million cases and nearly 100 000 Covid-19 deaths.

“It has shattered many livelihoods and devastated the economy, leading to the closure of many businesses and the loss of some two million jobs.”

Due to the changing nature of the pandemic, and the progress that has been made through collective efforts, Ramaphosa said the intention is to lift the state of disaster as soon as the proposed regulations were published recently by Health Minister Joe Phaahla have been finalized.

However, the president stressed: “What should be clear is that the end of the national state of disaster does not mean the end of the pandemic.”

The following restrictions were eased further:


Indoor and outdoor venues can now take up to 50% of their capacity provided that proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test not older than 72 hours are provided by participants. If there is no provision for proof of vaccination or a Covid test, then the current upper limit will remain 1 000 people indoors and 2 000 people outdoors.


The maximum number of people permitted at a funeral has been increased from 100 to 200. As before, night vigils, after-funeral gatherings, and “after-tears” gatherings are not allowed.

Wearing of masks:

A mask is not required to be worn when outdoors. However, one still needs to wear a mask when in shops, malls, offices, factories, taxis, busses, trains, or any other indoor public space.

Social distancing:

A space of one meter must be maintained between people in all settings except schools.

International travel:

Travelers entering South Africa will need to show proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test not older than 72 hours. All unvaccinated travelers entering the country who want to be vaccina-
ted will be offered vaccination.

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