
Latest Technology and Features of Fertility Treatment Now Available in Cape Town

Today there are so many options in the healthcare industry. If there’s one thing you can have for the future, it’s hope. Access to more information and resources—and more of it each year—should encourage you for the journey ahead. What is your greatest need at the moment?

If there’s one thing that can create hope in patients’ hearts, it’s that time can change many situations for the better. The answers a medical practitioner gave you a year or even a few months ago in Cape Town, may not be the final say. In the battle of dealing with infertility, new treatments and technologies appear on the market regularly. Not only do they provide you with more treatment options but they also streamline the process.

If you’re trying to conceive, it’s therefore best to make contact with your Cape Town based infertility clinic to hear about your latest options. Are you aware how these play a role in hopeful couples’ lives? 

Consulting Made Easy

Of course, it’s best to visit your fertility doctor in person, since it’s such a personal matter. But that doesn’t mean some of your consultations can’t happen online. This can also help cut back on certain costs if you won’t be charged for a full consultation. 

Healthcare professionals are making use of dynamic services such as WhatsApp to simplify communication:

  • Your doctor can discuss results online, even after hours. This means they get more work done each day and you don’t have to wait for an available appointment during office hours.
  • If there are risks to travelling or you’re not in town, doctors can still interact with patients.
  • Women can share photographs of ovulation tests without visiting a facility, and then be guided in the next step to take. This can be administering more hormone treatments at home or receiving confirmation to come in for artificial insemination.

These methods save all parties time and expenses, while building the relationship between all role players, resulting in a more positive experience. 

Know, Don’t Guess the Gender

How much do you trust someone to accurately analyse those grainy images during an ultrasound to tell you whether you’ll have a boy or a girl?

Since 2011, NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) has been used to determine certain risks and genetic abnormalities of the growing fetus. This can be done only a few weeks into the pregnancy, all thanks to some of the baby’s blood mingling with the mother’s. All it takes is a blood test and there’s no need to put the baby at risk to get test results.

Another benefit: you can confirm your baby’s gender quite early on in the pregnancy this way. 

Your Mental Health Matters Too

Your fertility journey can’t only be about the physical aspect. You’ll face challenges and test results may not always be what you want, which can be upsetting. That’s why many Cape Town fertility clinics offer mental health support as well. Get the guidance and support you need to go through the process with a little less stress, to the benefit of yourself and your future baby.

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