
Shop non-compliant with regulations

The area was totally jam packed with people dancing and singing. This is obviously a gross violation of the lockdown regulations.

Bewildered pensioner, Bela-Bela, writes:

We are pensioners living on a farm near Bela-Bela.

We are law abiding citizens and to minimise the risk of Covid-19, we go shopping once a month with all the necessary precautions in place.

On Tuesday 1 September we went to a well known shop in town and thought it being a large supplier, their protocols would be better. While at the till a large number of their staff and possibly other people came into the area in front of the tills and started singing and dancing to loud music over the speakers.

Even the ladies at the tills spontaneously started singing with them. The area was totally jam packed with people dancing and singing. This is obviously a gross violation of the lockdown regulations, as no social distances were kept and more than 50 people were in a confined space.

I complained to the manager and he just stared at me and gave no response.

In fact, he was quite defiant. Dancers were absolutely shoulder to shoulder in the area where we had to exit from.

This behaviour is unacceptable and poses a high risk to Bela-Bela customers of whom the majority are elderly people. I just thought that I should bring this to your attention as it places customers at risk and shows that many people do not take this virus seriously.

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