
Huis Talje on their knees

We have to ask for your continuous support.

Erika van Zyl, Project Manager: Huis Talje, Bela-Bela, writes:

We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters for their donations in these challenging times.

The support for our special needs children is heart warming and much appreciated.

Management was able to put all the safety precautions in place to keep our children in a secure and safe environment. The well-being of our staff members is essential as they are a kingpin in the care provided for our children. However, this came with a huge financial impact on our normal operational costs.

We are aware that everybody is suffering to a certain extend due to financial challenges brought on by Covid-19, but we have to ask for your continuous support.

We would like to brief you on our immediate needs:

  • The cost of electricity has increased and we are currently using R10 000 every 20 days. Our pre-paid meter is registered as: K. Du Plessis, meter number 0415 5855 960;
  • Supplements to improve our already vulnerable children’s immunity: R5 100 per month;
  • Clinical safety equipment (gloves and masks): R12 000 per month;
  • Other essentials (food, nappies, cleaning materials): R32 000 per month.

Thank you for your continuous support and contribution.

Our banking details: Absa cheque account 4049 531 286, branch code 334447, international code 632005.

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