WATCH: Let’s help Roney to live a normal life

Roney was born with two club feet, but it has not kept her down.

Despite torn skin on her feet on an active day, this little one has not allowed her disability to get the better of her. On the contrary, she is living her life to the fullest

Roney Stephens was born with club feet, and it is her parents, Rodney and Cindy’s, biggest wish to get their daughter the help she needs.

Club foot, also called talipes, is where a baby is born with a foot or feet that turn in and under. Early treatment should correct it. In club foot, one foot or both feet point down and inwards with the sole facing backwards.

When you meet Roney, who is only a year and nine months old, you won’t think she has a disability.

She greets you with a warm and smiling ‘hello’, and she is just doing what any toddler her age would do.
She is doing everything with her disability.

The Stephens’ little miracle

Roney standing with the help of her big brother, Jayden.

“She is our miracle in life. She is the most beautiful baby girl and has been living her short life to the fullest. Her disability has not got the best of her,” said her parents.

Her parents do not have medical aid, and they have been struggling to get the right medical help for their daughter.

“We went to public hospitals from the day she was born and, no, not all the experience with public hospitals have been bad, but we never get the right answers or the right help for Roney,” her parents said.

Due to her disability, she can’t wear any shoes, and she wants to walk and run so badly, but after an active day on her feet, she suffers from restless legs at night, which makes it difficult for her to sleep.

Roney Stephens’ feet held by her mom and dad.

“She walks but only with help and also just a few steps. Due to her condition, she is spending a lot of time on her feet’s side skin instead of her feet’s sole, which is causing her skin to either harden or tear.

“We are just in desperate need of a doctor or medical professional to take a look at Roney’s feet and then direct us in the right direction of getting her the help she needs,” they said.

“We just want our baby girl to run and be able to live a normal life.”

Help needed

Help is needed to help Roney Stephens walk and live a normal life.

Her parents recently moved to Alberton from Rustenburg after their house burnt down.

Rodney also lost his job, which is the family’s only income.

They luckily found a way to move into a flatlet in Florentia and Rodney has been doing small jobs here and there, which is just enough for rent and something to eat every day.

He is a qualified diesel mechanic who is looking for anything he can do, even if he has to step out of his comfort zone and learn something new.

“My dad always said once you become a husband and a father, you will do anything for your family. Your family is what will keep you going. And this is exactly what I have been doing,” said Rodney.

“Has the road been easy? No, it has not, but we are still here and must keep going on,” he told the RECORD.

How you can help

Rodney Stephens with Cindy, Jayden and little Roney on their laps.

For now, the family is just looking for medical help so they can find out how to treat Roney’s condition.

As soon as they know what is going on, they can start raising funds so Roney can undergo treatment.

Tannie A, better known as Antoinette Venter, heard about the Stephens’ situation and has offered to be the contact person for the family.

“Any financial donations or even if a medical professional can sponsor their services towards Shoney, it would be amazing,” said Antoinette.

Financial donations for the family can be made to The Living Care Circle (NPC) Capitec account, with account number 173 899 9023, branch code 470010, using “Roney” as your reference.

Those interested in helping can contact Antoinette on 084 812 6715.

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