Help: My baby has reflux!

Most moms know the feeling of getting your little one all dressed up and ready to go, just to have them spit/vomit milk all over everything just before you leave. Ever wondered how to help your baby with reflux? Read on.

As a parent, you’ve probably heard the term ‘reflux’ before. But what exactly is reflux, and what steps can you take to help ease the condition in your baby?

All about Gastro-Esophageal Reflux

Gastro-Esophageal Reflux (GER) is a normal occurrence in healthy babies where the stomach contents push back into the oesophagus (swallowing tube). It is then swallowed back (“silent reflux”) or spit/vomited up. Most babies (40-60%) struggle with some degree of reflux because of their immature gut, fluid diets, and the fact that they are mostly lying flat. Symptoms of reflux can start in the first few days of life and are usually outgrown by 12-18months. These babies are often irritable after feeds can arch their backs, sleep for shorter stretches, and want to feed often as the milk soothes their throats. Most babies with reflux grow well, feed well, and do not have any danger signs. These babies are often referred to as “happy spitters” and do not need any specific medicine.

Your baby may have Gastro Esophageal Reflux DISEASE (GERD) if he or she:  

Treating a baby with reflux

Here are a few expert tips:

Medications to treat reflux

It can be scary if your baby vomits all the time, and it creates mountains of washing, but take heart! These days feel long, but the years are short, and before you know it, your child will be waving goodbye on their first day of school (without vomiting all the milk from their morning porridge.)

Red flags in a vomiting baby: A visit to the doctor is in order if your baby has the following symptoms:


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