Visarend Angling Club hooks family and friends

Visarend Angling Club has been going for 17 years. They are a family club, so the whole family can come and enjoy the fishing experience.


The club caters for the following age groups: migi juniors (aged two to five), mini juniors (aged six to 11), juniors (aged 12 to17), ladies and men (aged 18 to 59), and masters aged (60 to 85).

Two local fishermen, Robert and Yvette Schlotfeldt, shared their experiences of not only the club but also angling in general.

“We love the outdoor life, and we realised that camping and fishing got too dangerous on our own and decided to join a fishing club. Robert has been with the fishing club for three years and I have been a member for two years,” said Yvette.

Rob’s experience

“After joining Visarend Angling Club I was no longer just a social fisherman but became more competitive. Fishing was no longer casting my rod in the water. Visarende helped me understand fishing at a different level.

“I always look forward to the next fishing competition to interact with people and to get my rod in the water.”

Yvette’s experience

“Fishing became a gateway into the world of relaxation, fresh air and spending quality time with good friends that became family.

Yvette Schlotfeldt and the big one she pulled out.

“From picking my fish up with gloves and hubby to do the casting, I had to learn quickly to become independent when I joined the fishing club.

“I started to learn what real fishing is about with Visarend Angling Club, and I can say that today, fishing is an art as much as a sport. With only a passingly convincing understanding of rod weights, hook sizes and fishing tactics, I, by no means, am a fishing expert.

“So while I sometimes feel out of my comfort zone among all the expert fishermen, I started appreciating fishing for its accessibility that allows almost anyone to drop a hook into the water. With the correct mindset, you can enjoy yourself – both in the art and sport side of angling. Fishing combines grace, excitement, uncertainty and curiosity.

“Visarend Angling Club was one of the best decisions we have made. The Visarend family assists you in your fishing experience. Friday evenings you sit around the fire and enjoy good company. Saturday morning the fishing starts,” she said.

Try it out

Visarende Angling Club holds a monthly competition at different venues and at the end of the year anglers are rewarded at the grand prize-giving.

If you would like to join Visarend Angling Club for a good weekend of fishing or even just social fishing give Jorrie Nel a call at 076 712 5662.

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