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Local weightlifter set to compete in Northern Africa

Last year, local weightlifter Laryne Jefferies proudly brought home three bronze medals and one silver medal for the First African Cup competition and she is yet again set on bringing an even stronger performance.

Laryne Jefferies is thrilled to qualify for and be selected to represent South Africa at the Senior African Weightlifting Championship 2023, in Tunisia.

Jefferies and her coach, Matthew Hurn, are leaving on May 12 and are tentatively set to compete on May 16 in the 71kg weight division with Africa’s best weightlifters.

This will be her second appearance on the international platform since Egypt 2022. She is adamant about bringing an even stronger performance.

Jefferies, a member of Movement Crew, a strength and CrossFit gym in Brackenhurst, said one must be fearless in weightlifting and face everything head-on.

“You have a few seconds to make every lift count. I hope to make South Africa proud once again while having some fun.

Laryne Jefferies lifting during a session at Movement Crew.

“I am currently busy with several fundraising initiatives to assist in making this trip possible for my coach and me to travel. These include a raffle, BackaBuddy account and a weightlifting seminar on April 22,” she explained.

She said she has been putting in the work ahead of the big competition.

“Leading up to this competition training has been good but tough. We have been pushing the boundaries to squeeze out and reach as much of my potential as possible. It is constantly a learning process. I hope to have an even better platform experience this year,” Jefferies said.

She reiterated she was excited to see some now-familiar faces and battle with them on the platform to be the best in Africa.

BackaBuddy: Help Laryne lift in Tunisia

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