Great last game for Alberton Madalas

The Madalas were gracious enough to involve a young player, Gunter van den Berg, who has been wheelchair-bound his whole life but loves the game.

ALBERTON Madalas recently took part in the final festival of the year at Hoërskool Die Burger on December 1.

The day was also used by Abraham Kriel Bambanani Children’s Home to raise much-needed funds.

The Madalas were gracious enough to involve a young player, Gunter van den Berg, who has been wheelchair-bound his whole life, but who, like anyone who is involved in Madalas or Golden Oldies rugby, loves the game.

They assisted him in scoring the first try of the game – running right through the opposition. The youngest person involved with the Madalas, Huntley Raath, pushed him all the way to the try line. The smile on his face was priceless and afterwards the opponents, The Benoni Grizzlies, even presented him with a Grizzlies jersey as well as to Huntley to go with their Madalas jersey.

The gesture was the brainchild of Danie Putter and it is quite obvious that it meant a lot to both. A big thank you to the Grizzlies who played their part too.

FIRST TRY: The youngest person involved with the Madalas, Huntley Raath, pushed Gunter van den Berg all the way to the try line.

Back on the field it was a really tough physical game with the Madalas managing to come out on tops. Chairman Danie Putter is always trying to involve new players and had twisted my arm to play. What a lot of fun. Will definitely play next year.

I must note that the Madalas had 29 players on the day and the fact that they always had fresh legs on the field helped them pull through. The Grizzlies really took the game to the Madalas from the start and never let up. Furthermore, the Madalas players had assisted other teams to make a complete team throughout the day.

A big thank you to all concerned from Ricci Boonzaaier from Bambanani who managed with the support of all the clubs to raise approximately R40 000 for a really worthwhile cause.

Brandon O’Donoghue, Alicia Scott and Wayne Raath assisted in their personal capacity by donating Christmas presents to one of the houses, 11 kids in total. Well done.

GIFTS GALORE: Ricci Boonzaaier receives gifts for the children from Wayne Raath, freelance sport writer for Alberton RECORD on the right) and Huntley Raath (left) in attendance.

It has been a wonderful year for Madalas rugby in general.

Here’s to an even better 2019.

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