School sportSport

Netball girls show their stuff

Harvest Christian School girls recently had a netball match competition with Highveld Primary School, winning all the games.

HARVEST Christian School girls recently had a netball match competition with Highveld Primary School, winning all the games.

The u-9, u-10, u-12 and u-13 teams all shined throughout the games as they won all games played against their counterparts. The school remains proud of all the girls’ performances during the games.

ACTION: Harvest Christian School netball stars in action.

Meanwhile, the school’s boys soccer teams succumbed to defeat against Mulbarton Primary School in the games played on the same day. All u-10, u-11 and u-13 boys lost their games. However, the school remains proud of the efforts shown by the boys urging them to keep practising until they become the best.

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Harvest Christian School reaps rewards

Harvest Christian School prefects

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