Six karateka off to international championships

Karateka of the Townsview Kenshikai Dojo are on their way to the 25th Kyokushin American International Karate Championships.

KARATEKA of the Townsview Kenshikai Dojo, under the guidance of senpai Karen Heunis, are on their way to the 25th Kyokushin American International Karate Championships.

The six karateka participating in the championship are Robert Chandler, Liam Chandler, senpai Karen Heunis, Santana Bradbury, Chante du Toit and Amanda du Toit.

The club wishes their members all the best and to make the dojo proud.

Members of the community who wish to join the Townsview Kenshikai Dojo can contact Heunis on 083 654 5810.

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