Noisy neighbour disturbs the peace

Why is he allowed to dictate what others have to listen to? I cannot read, watch my TV or enjoy my own garden in peace?

As a resident of Alan Manor/Meredale border, I would like to know how long it will be before something is done about the really noisy inconsiderate neighbour we have who plays loud music on a regular basis from his garden?

He has built an entertainment centre against another neighbour’s garden, which means when the constant thumping (only way I can describe the so-called music) starts, it resonates around the area, and dominates over whatever anyone else wants to listen to.

He regularly starts his entertainment between 15:00 and 17:00 in the afternoon and carries on until 23:00 or later. This happens on most weekends and, of course, public holidays.

Why is he allowed to dictate what others have to listen to? I cannot read, watch my TV or enjoy my own garden in peace. I actually dread the weekends as there is no peace to be had. I have phoned noise abatement on many occasions, and Mondeor Police once. I was told by the latter that all he can do is ask him to turn it down! How pathetic! When I have rung noise abatement, they have assured me each time that they will go and speak to him. Well, obviously that is not working! This public nuisance makes a laughing stock of any authority.

As I write this at 21:45 on Saturday, March 19, already six hours after he started up, it will likely be another three hours before he stops.

Why can this pest not be made to take his entertainment inside his own four walls so the rest of us don’t have to listen to it? Any answers forthcoming?

Not holding my breath, Alan Manor

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