Speeding causes crashes not leaking water

Speed causes crashes!

As a resident of Catherine Dee townhouse complex in Klipview Road, Liefde en Vrede, opposite where the latest crash happened, I do not agree that the water which is about 200m away from the bend is causing the accident or that the bend is too severe (www.looklocal.co.za and www.comarochronicle.co.za).
The true fact of the matter is speeding and not keeping to the speed limit, which is 60km/ph. If people would have some common sense and keep to the speed limit there would be no accidents on this road. This problem seems to be happening with young inexperienced drivers taking chances. There has now been three very bad accidents in a few weeks.This is totally unacceptable.
Anybody with common sense will judge from the damage to the vehicle the driver was doing a high speed (last accident).
Ironically the drivers of previous accidents all have the nerve to have an attitude and argue that they so called drove at 40km/ph or 60km/ph!
Must someone first get killed or seriously injured before JRA does something?  Our nerves are finished and we fear for our lives and safety! Buses also race down the road, driving over into the opposite side of the road.

Angry resident

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