
Get transformed from mental darkness to mental light

Start to question some of the beliefs you hold dear in your heart.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler

Things are getting obsolete every passing day. Today it is just not experience, but experience plus change. It’s like a relay race, you must keep on passing the baton and maintain the speed.

Many of the personal problems people have these days are overcoming some of the untruths they have learned about themselves and the world. The reality is that we inherit a lot of false information, especially as children.

As children, we have no filter. Up until adolescence stage, the brain is very plastic, it quickly makes neural connections in order to make sense of the world around it. So, things go in, and we accept them as real and go along in life believing them.

When we experience challenges and conflicts, we are forced to reflect and question some of our assumptions.

Many people get shocked by the sudden realization that they have been relying on false information and beliefs. Some accept this realisation by replacing a faulty belief with a more life-sustaining one, while others kick and scream that reality is wrong and sadly protects the status quo.

These people who defy reality usually end up angry and miserable.

How have you coped with realizations that you have held beliefs and thoughts that were not useful or serving your best interests?

You see, learning to be curious about your life and understanding that the beliefs you hold so dear are not yours, you inherited them.

Now that you know better, start questioning them and change the ones that no longer serve you because they’re holding you back from your dreams.

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