In life, everything has an opportunity cost

You have the power to live your dreams!

“The opportunity cost of an unlived dream is not only that dream, but also the dreams the dream was meant to inspire.” – Ryan Lilly

We live in a world of scarcity and must therefore make choices. You cannot avoid regret since there are opportunity costs for every choice you will make. Every time you say “yes” to a choice, you are also saying “no” to everything else you may have accomplished with your time, money, and other resources.

Opportunity cost is a commanding tool that you should be wise to apply to all decision-making. If you integrate this concept into your thought process, you will not only make wise choices, but also better understand the world in which you live.

Whether you are choosing a career path or switching from one to another, starting a business, investing your money, buying a car, or throwing away your evening watching TV, considering the value of lost alternatives will help you make better decisions.

Make the lens of opportunity costs the underpinning of your decision-making processes.To maximise your potential, you must effectively use your time.

Here’s what you should do:

Before doing an activity, I mean any activity; ask yourself this question, “Is this the best use of my time”? “What else could I do with this time”? For instance, you might be thinking of spending the evening binge-watching a TV show or anything of that sort. But here you should stop and ask yourself,

“Is this the best use of my time”? “What else could I best use this time for”? You might come up with other ideas such as reading a book or working on a side project.

Remember, your uniqueness is what makes you special, don’t compromise it, that’s what sets you apart. You have the power to live your dreams!

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