
A virus that lurks around every corner

If everyone follows the rules, coronavirus will stop and you won't have to be apart

Our 11-year- old son, Rico, wrote this poem on the coronavirus which he has based on what he has seen and heard on TV.

We thought it was an interesting plea to everyone to do their part.

Around every corner coronavirus lurks,
It kills people of all countries, including Turks.
To stop it becoming barbarous,
You must become serious!

Wash your hands,
And never on metal surfaces do handstands,
For on metal surfaces coronavirus stays,
And many who catch it die, so keep it at bay.

Wear a mask when you go to the shop.
Wear a mask outside, even if you only hop.
Don’t visit people – you will again be able to make contact.
Don’t buy alcohol, or do any other unlawful act.

If everyone follows the rules, coronavirus will stop and you won’t have to be apart;
But as for you, do your part!

Sent to the RECORD by his proud parents

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