
Pawsome Tails: Keep your furry friend safe

With the festive season approaching, it’s time to start thinking of keeping your pets safe and comfortable.

AS many animal shelters will agree, the festive season is the toughest time of the year for animal welfare. Thousands of pets will be abandoned and dumped over December and January.

Responsibility on pet owners during the festive season is of vital importance when it comes to making proper arrangements for pets. This includes credible boarding, reliable house or pet sitters, and making sure that your pets are microchipped and are wearing a collar with a tag.

Be a responsible pet owner this festive season!


















Keeping your pet safe in general

For some it may not be common knowledge, but it is a hard truth that many thieves scout for dogs that can easily be stolen. Jack Russells, Huskies, Staffies, Bull Terriers and other power breeds are often stolen and sold to dogfighting syndicates. Unfortunately, there is a huge dogfighting syndicate in South Africa.

Smaller dogs like Yorkies and puppies are often stolen and sold to people who buy them as Christmas presents at a cheaper price.

Inside is better than outside!


















Inside is better than outside

Keep in mind that your dog is far more able to protect you when it sleeps inside at night. It is the easiest thing for a thief to poison a dog that sleeps outside. A dog that sleeps inside is able to warn you far better. And by letting your dogs sleep inside you are protecting them in turn as well.

Check the perimeter of your house and driveway in the mornings before letting your dogs out, in order to make sure there is no poisonous meat or other food that has been thrown over a wall, fence or a gate.

















Microchip and tag

It is definitely true that people are more inclined to stop if they see a stray or lost dog wearing a tag. Make sure your dog is not only microchipped, but wearing your telephone number on its tag. It is an easy and cheap thing to acquire and can prevent much heartache.

We have all seen it before on our community group feeds: frantic pet owners searching for their lost pets, or good citizens trying to catch animals on the loose and take them to the nearest vet or place of safety. Do your part in making sure your pet cannot get out of your property and in the case that it does, it can easily be found.

Do not allow anything bad to happen to your best friend and furry member of the family.


















Lost and Hound – use the app

Now there is an app with the sole purpose of reuniting lost pets with their owners.

Lost and Hound is free to use and only requires an email address or Facebook account to sign up.

People can list lost and found pets, along with pictures, and search for animals within a 30km radius of their location. Once a user finds an animal they think may be theirs, they can privately message the poster and organise collection.

“We saw a need for this service within communities,” says Ed Wrede, MD of Empire State – the software development company that built the app.

“Not only for private citizens, but for vets and animal welfare organisations too. Often pets remain unclaimed for weeks or months, purely because owners were not looking in the right places.

“In addition, many community platforms are overburdened with lost and found pet posts, putting pressure on forum admins. This app aims to alleviate some of that pressure.”

The app is available for download on both the Google Play and Apple App stores.

The app allows for:

• adding lost and found animal listings

• describing the animal by type

• describing the animal by condition

• adding photos of the animal

• adding location where the animal was found

• adding a description of the animal

• direct messaging between users, allowing for both videos and photos to be sent

Google Play store:

Apple App store:


For more information contact

GPS tracking devices

Streetwise Pets developed wearable GPS tracking devices your pet wears and is located via satellites and accessible on a smartphone app.

The devices are small, lightweight and does not cause any discomfort to the pet.

For more information visit

There are plenty of other sites out there offering similar products and apps. Have a Google and see how best you can make sure your furry friend is safe during this festive season.

Remember, it is your responsibility to keep your pet safe and if you are thinking of adding a new four-pawed addition to your family this festive season, rather adopt than shop.

This festive season rather adopt than shop!


















That’s it for this week, from me, Vinkel and Koljander.

Paw five! Woof!

You can read the full story on our App. Download it here.

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